Wednesday, April 30, 2008

reaction to the 2008 Olympic torch route thus far

well. i must say that china is doing a fine job of making a fool out of themselves for all the world to see, on national and international news. i mean, i've seen them do it before in Seoul Train, but really, how many people saw that, huh?

just because you don't like the fact that someone is criticizing the way your country is treating others, doesn't make it all right for you to physically attack them!

it's kind of interesting how the chinese citizenry have no ideawhat china (the gov't) is actually doing to some people. it's almost like they think that the government can do no wrong, and everything the government does is for their own interest (like the whole Three Gorges Dam business, where the gov't basically pushed people out of their homes, as well as destroying historical buildings so that they could make a dam that might do something good eventually). gah.

honestly. what is it with the anti-CNN masks? what did they expect? did they think that people would say, "oh, look, the olympics are going to take place in china. let's ignore all the human rights violations that are occurring in that country and just have fun!"?? i mean, of course people are going to use this opportunity (of china being in the spotlight) to bring injustices to the surface for people to face and confront!


btw, i don't have problems with china in general, per se... i have these sorts of thoughts about lots of different countries, my own included.
*pictures courtesy of