Friday, May 30, 2008

Pig-headed jerks who refuse to listen to reason and think they're oh-so-smart aggravate me

So, somehow I landed on an Asian-American (?) site ( There was one article about a Korean American woman who wrote a book about a KA adoptee. And the article mentioned that she (the author) is married to a white man (WM). (Btw, she is a Visiting Lecturer at Brown, and her husband is a professor at Brown.)

Then, I read the comments, and I have to say that many of them were quite... aggravating.

There were several Asian American males (AM) who started bashing the author and calling her the next "Amy Tan" (i.e., sell-out), etc. because one of her characters (the adoptee's biological mother) had an "American lover" in the '70s and the author herself is married to a WM.

When a few others responded, in so many words, that they were tired of people bashing Asian American females (AF) and calling them sell-outs (among other more vulgar things) for the fact that they marry WM, and that those people should learn to respect all AF.

Then those same people with the... annoying commentors said that they do respect AFs, they only bash those who are sell-outs. (One responded to one of them AF posters by saying, "you married some white trash that has no college education and makes half of your meager income, right?") Another said something to the effect of "I only respect AFs who love themselves and their culture."

Hello??? So, if an AF marries a WM -- regardless of whether she actually loves him or not -- that automatically makes her a sell-out? How does that work? She'd only be a sell-out of she married him as a "trophy", to elevate her social (racial) standing. Of course, whenever someone pointed this out, they would obstinately ignore it and say, "AF who marry WM are sell-outs!!1!"

Seriously, every time someone tries to argue with them (I mean, doesn't their statements vex anyone else who just might possibly stumble across and read this post?), they say stubbornly refuse to listen to reason and logic and say, "Hahaha, that's the funniest bit of BS I've ever heard!" or "Did it strike too close to home? You're probably dating a WM!" or "AMs are getting gypped, and AFs aren't doing anything to help; in fact, they're making it worse" or whatever else you can think of.

Of course, they would be playing a different tune if an AM married a WF. Then, it's the AM who are finally being recognized in society, or whatever BS they can pull from their noses.

Gah! It makes me mad.

...btw, is anyone reading this?

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